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Title: Internal Examination
Authors: Arka Jain University
Keywords: Internal Examination
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2024
Publisher: Central Library
Appears in Collections:Internal Examination 2022-23

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
B.Pharm Pharmacovigilance THEORY.docxPharmacovigilance37.75 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
Biopharmaceutics 2nd Internal.docxBiopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics31.52 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
BIOSTATISTICS.docxBiostatistics38.76 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
Cosmetic science.docxCosmetic Sciences38.62 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open
SOCIAL & PREVENTIVE PHARMACY THEORY.docxSocial & Preventive Pharmacy30.15 kBMicrosoft Word XMLView/Open

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